
I’m new to the forums as you could tell by looking at my post count…
anyways, I was going through some tutorials, and had a question about a preloader code.

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var bytes = _root.getBytesTotal();
var bytes_loaded = _root.getBytesLoaded();
if (bytes_loaded == bytes) {
this.kirupatxt = “movie loaded”;
} else {
this.kirupatxt = “loading (” + bytes_loaded + “/” + bytes +")";



Ok… so there is the code provided in the tut. It works fine for my main movie file. But say I want buttons on the movie file that links to another movie file to navigate through a site… If I wanted the preloader to load through each page- I obviously would not use the, right? Well I tried replacing the _root with this, but it just would not work correctly. How can I acheive what I’m trying to do??

Thanks for any response.