My *.swf consists of 2 scenes.
My first one is this.
It’s a intro with preloader - 141 KB. It’s a bit crippled for this purpose.
Users report that when they go to the site nothing is happening - blank page.
I use Dreamweaver MX 2004 to create blank page -index.html and then I insert flash file with no loop, and autoplay-yes, parameters.
Could someone analyze this file - I realy have no idea does preloader work at all (tried debuging it, seting the download speed to minimum, adding big *.avi’s - no result) and why those users can’t see a thing - except for page heading.
Publish settings are for Flash PLayer 6 and I’m using Flash MX. Alll users had Flash 6 and higher.
This is my first attempt to create something in Flash so I don’t know what to do.