Nothing important, but replies appreciated


Just got Flash MX, and I have to say that is probably the best resource for tutorials that I’ve found so far. Thanks for helping all the noobies out there!

Just wondering, but the font used for the buttons in this forum…what font is that? Been desperately looking for it, but it’s so much easier to find a font with a name to go with it…

Replies appreciated, and thanks for providing such a great site.


eisloe, kirupa? i think one of dem can answer…

i don’t like your title, everyone is important here are kirupaville and we don’t like self denounciation <----new word i learned =)

have confidence and don’t be afraid to ask questions!!!

I believe it is called Bit Dust.

Check this thread.

And welcome to Kirupa Forum :wink:

nope its not lost. its 04b_21.

Ok, wasn’t sure because I know Eilsoe uses Bit Dust for a lot of things, so I assumed :wink:

But I included the link to the 04 site in that thread, so it is still helpful :wink:

yep! cool. Note though:

For the buttons it is size 6 (optimized for it) and ALL CAPS! there are just dingbats for the lowercase so make sure you know that.

If you are gonig to say that the…

You also must make sure that anti-aliasing is turned off on your text. In the text properties in Photoshop there is a drop down box that is default set to “Crisp” change that to “None”.

Yep forgot about that cause its already done for me lol.

and if you were wondering, this font works great in Flash too!

Thanks guys, :beam: .

Pretty chuffed with Flash, but can see a couple of days of frustration ahead figuring everything out (first time with Flash, I’m a solid HTML fan recently converted). Hell, I’m even having trouble getting a graphic to act as a background!

Nice to join kirupa, and once again I’ll say how much I’m impressed with the site…7 replies in a matter of hours, and all to a noob with no experience!

this is a slow thread too lol…thats what we are here for!

*Originally posted by boondoggler *
**Thanks guys, :beam: .

Pretty chuffed with Flash, but can see a couple of days of frustration ahead figuring everything out (first time with Flash, I’m a solid HTML fan recently converted). Hell, I’m even having trouble getting a graphic to act as a background!

Nice to join kirupa, and once again I’ll say how much I’m impressed with the site…7 replies in a matter of hours, and all to a noob with no experience! **

You can’t really use images as a background in Flash, at least not the way HTML works like that. I believe you have to create a layer all the way at the bottom and put your image in there, then lock the layer so you don’t accidently move it.

yep sounds right. or if its a colour you want…

click outside the stage and in MX you see a properties panel at the bottom, chose the colour and poof! same with size…

Or go to Modify/Document :wink:

Figured it out (using a moving background, and a couple of keyframes).

Is it possible to get images out of Photoshop (I’m using 7.0), and paste them directly into MX? Obviously, it is possibly to paste in a regular shape, but I mean an object such as a font that’s been editted, or a picture cut-out.

In other words, is it possibly to use a tool such as the Magic Wand, and copy the irregular shaped item directly into MX, without having the large, wasted areas of white space…? I have tried it, but the paste is converted back into a rectangular shape…

One possibility I haven’t tried is transparent GIFs, but I hate GIFs with a vengeance, and will push that option as far away as possible!

You can try. I have pasted some things from Photoshop into Flash, but it sometimes does funky things to them.

Transparent .gifs and .png images work too.

One thing you will find out quickly about Flash is that is LOVES to mess up imported images.

You can go to File/Import to import images BTW.

Gazes in awe at the masters

Thanks for all the help, I think I’ve got the basic Basics now. Just got to get the hang of TellTargeting, and I might be there (going through the tutorials with a fine tooth comb).

tellTarget is dead. It was out as of Flash 4 I think.

The billion lines of tellTarget used can be deperessed to one line with the dot syntax in Flash 5 and MX.

_root.yourClip.gotoAndPlay(Frame# or Label)

^things like that.


Background sound/music…I can insert sounds on mouse rollovers, etc. but how do I get a page to play audio in the background (doesn’t matter what format, I have a bit of everything)…

If TellTargeting is obsolete now, how would I trigger a movie/animation on one part of the screen by holding the mouse over a button on the opposite side?

Background sound.

There are 2 ways. You can Import the sound into Flash (file/import) and drag an instance of it from your library onto the frame you want the sound to start on.

Or you can use AS to load the sound from the library, but this causes the sound to load BEFORE your movie itself loads, so if you have a preloader, this won’t show until your sound is done loading.

Or you can load a .mp3 file dynamically and stream it in (MX only)… (bottom)

As for targetting another clip, I showed you in the last post.

_root is the main timeline, so if your movie clip symbol is on the main timeline you use this.

yourClip is the instance name of the clip you are targetting

gotoAndPlay is saying that you want it to goto and play that frame# or frame label.


If you want to do it after you press a button (add these actions to your button)…

on (press){

*Originally posted by lostinbeta ***
_root.yourClip.gotoAndPlay(Frame# or Label)
