If anyone is interested, and wants to earn a few extra bucks, Please contact me at sr1200@aol.com subject flash work.
Please include your payment requirements.
I need someone to create a WORKING guest book on my site… ive played around with this too much and I am just not able to do it, and I am unable to get non paid help on this.
The guest book must work within the existing site… no separate html page.
Fields should include
Color scheme must match existing website (black and green #00ff00)
I would like to view multiple entires at once, but if a single entry at a time is all that can be done so be it.
view existing site at: www.silent-fate.com/Newsite/flashsite.html
if you can somehow get my existing non flash guestbook (cgi) to work with this one, i woud be willing to pay more… (perhaps a layer in html) As long as it looks like its a part of the flash site and functions properly!