Object stoping instead of playing

I have a onEnterframe action that tells a movie clip to gotoandPlay(2) but for some god for saken reason the clip does not play I have tried different ways of doing this but I cannot figure this out to save my life. The only way it will play correctly is if I create a button that tells it to gotoAndPlay (2) otherwise it just stops and frame 2. Can someone please help me figure this out. Thanks

Here is the code

stop ();
_root.container._x = 0;
_root.currMovie = "home";
container.loadMovie (_root.currMovie+".swf");
_root.onLoad = function () {
    backbox.gotoAndPlay (1);
};//////////////Here is where I am having problems
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
    if (backbox._currentframe === 25) {
        trace ("menu="+menu_holder._x);
    } else {
        menu_holder.stop ();
    resizeMe ();
var align = Stage.align="L";
resizeMe = function () {
    backbox._x = align;
    backbox._width = Stage.width;
    //menu_holder._x = 0;
    menu_holder.menubar._width = Stage.width;
    menu_holder.menubar._x = align;
    container._x = 0;
var stageListener:Object = new Object ();
stageListener.onResize = function () {
    resizeMe ();
Stage.align = "L";
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Stage.addListener (stageListener);