Objects don't disappear off stage

For some reason, objects that I place into the work area still appear in my swfs. Aren’t those objects supposed to disappear? Is there something special I’m supposed to do? Thanks.

Thanks Eric. I appreciate such a quick reply. But I just want a movie clip that is “falling” to disappear once it has moved past the bottom edge of the stage. All documentation that I have read states that anything in the grey “work area” or “pasteboard” around the stage will automatically be invisible in a swf, but I have never found that to be the case. I was just wondering if there was some setting that I’ve set incorrectly or something.

Well, it usually does, anything that is grey will not normally be seen by the viewer, unless they somehow resize the window the movie is being played in. Or if you upload it bad.

Hit ctrl+enter inside flash to test your movie, don’t resize the window that pops up! This is what your viewer will see, once an object is inside the work area (grey), you will not see it any more and neither will they.

Thanks again Eric. I really appreciate your attention.

Forgive me, but I’m still baffled. I never resize the window that pops up after hitting ctrl+enter, but objects that are off the stage are still visible. Odd.

Thanks again eric,

I have only single movie clips–no nested ones. Essentially, I have flower petals that are pulled (dragged) from a flower that then fall upon mouse-up. I want them to disappear once they pass the bottom of the stage, but they don’t. They just sit there where I’ve have stopped them beyond the stage. It’s the strangest thing. and I can’t figure it out.

I think I’ll have to fade them out or mask them like you suggested. Thanks again for your generous help.

All the best,

Hey metallion! I would suggest you post the .fla file so I/we can take a look and evaluate your situation better. It’s fairly hard to know what you mean, for everything points towards that the objects should not be visible.

To clarify: Objects outside the stage (in the greyish area of Flash) will NOT be invisible or disappear. They will still be there, but they will not be inside the part of the movie that the viewers can see. Objects need to be outside the stage completely or they will still be seen.

If the window is resized and there are objects close to the stage, these will be visible to the viewer.

Ill post a picture of it:


Crude yes, but it gets the point through. Everything inside the white “box” that is the stage will be seen by the viewer. Assuming no resizing.

gigaboost, I understand everything that you’re saying. If I created a fla like that [U]all[/U] that text would be seen.

So here are links to a simple test fla and its swf that shows what I’m talking about.

Thanks again for your time and attention.



This works exactly as it should for me. Both of those graphics are partly visible in the SWF, just as they are placed in the stage in the FLA. Sorry mate, I see nothing wrong with this at all.

You must think I’m crazy. When I view it here, everything shows. Maybe I am crazy. Or else my Flash is haunted.
Thanks for trying. I really appreciate it.

There is absolutely no inherent masking with the stage. If you place a SWF into a larger container, through external loading or differently sized embedding (without scaling enabled) you will see anything that is in your ‘work area’.