anybody know of any good sites that have some digital photo shootin’ techniques? I’d really like to learn how to blur what i want and get the most out of my photos.
anybody know of any good sites that have some digital photo shootin’ techniques? I’d really like to learn how to blur what i want and get the most out of my photos.
look around here.
Do you have a telephoto lens? If you do just focus until like the front object is clear and the bg is blurry. If you would like I can show you what I mean.
that would be nice to show me, as i am not sure about the lens thing. all i know is that i can switch it to manual focus if i want to.
and thanks for the link, ruski.
Ok bust out your manual focus and focus only on the object you want. Here is an example. Notice how the forground and the bg are blurred only the tip of the stylus is focused.
\m/ okay. yeah i’ve tried that before and it don’t always work but … just wondered if there were any other “secrets” or anything. thanks.
umm, the tip of the stylus [little white thing] looks blurred to me.
Yea it’s blurry. I took this in a hurry. I’m tired too. I just wanted to show that you can focus on a certain object and have the rest blurred.
This is the same technique?
I have the front flower in focus, while everything in the BG is blurred.
Sure is bud.
The only thing i did in FW was to size it to 25%
Canon 300d Digital Rebel
Canon EF-S 18-55mm macro
Thank you.
I think I’m going to have to drop out of this battle, no time
Anyway, I’ll share my idea with you guys hehe. I was going to take 2 pictures (one as a backup in case the other didn’t turn out like I wanted).
Primary: A picture of a rainbow, where someone is holding a pot (pot of gold) at the base and positioned so that it looked like the rainbow was coming out of the pot. It was going to be in black and white which I figured would set it apart from the rest of the pictures entered because most people would figure that a “color” theme would automatically imply a color picture. The way this photo would tie in to the “color” theme would be because a rainbow is easily identified and is in its essence “color”
Backup: A picture of a cherry pie with the three traditional slits down the middle, positioned so that nothing else was visible besides the pie. I was going to light this with a traditional lamp with yellow cellophane over it to give the pie a kind of glow making it look like the perfect pie. Would be taken with a macro lens.
Anyway, I don’t have the time to do either of these before the deadline. Have fun guys, the entries so far look spectacular! Keep up the good work.
shot this on slide film, just came back from the lab. no photoshop involved.
Yeldarb i was thinking of a black and white peice using the colour theme as lack of colour, but i decided to not.
That is a good idea with the rainbow, but how would you get the bot of gold? I might make a rainbow with a hose later this week :thumb:
So is eveyrone in? If so lets just get the poll up now…
ummm…theres a August 10th deadline…
which shouldnt be a problem, if you take 4 days to make that poll:hugegrin:
Well if eveyrone was done and in…then we could speed it up.
you should PM the creator of this battle [replode] and coverse with him about it.
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