Official photo battle thread - 8.2.04

give it a couple more days. i think unflux and a couple others wanted to enter.

I didnt even see UNFLUX asking to be in :stuck_out_tongue:

Sounds good, no rush.

so how does one join this battle?

heard about battles but always been to busy to do it myself.

take a photo, put it on the net somehow, post it on this thread before the 9th.

I’m anxious.
but i honestly think that grinch is going to win, though. his is the nicest in my opinion.

im getting ready to submit mine - and its only august 7th

Only for one more minuet :wink:

Then its the 8th and one day left :smiley:

Are we going to do it as we cant vote in the final poll, or we cant vote for ourselves? I think the former is the better option IMO.

my entry:

holy crap, i didn’t know it was possible to get that close to a grasshopper.

look at that detail!

I can’t believe you didn’t show me this shot right after you took it UNFLUX… I thought we were cool like that…lol.

Just noticed this thread, and grabbed my camera…hope I’m not too late to enter. I know the deadline is the 10th, but I’m not 100% sure whether I needed to say before now that I am in.

dang. unflux is gonna win now.

Yeah, that is one cool pic!!!..not to mention the weeks it must have taken to train the grasshopper to sit and stay like that :stuck_out_tongue:

I really like adams it has a lot of amber colors so its very soothing.

thanks, idol :beer:

thanks, idol :beer:

no problem I think this will become my backround till something else pops up like all my previous backrounds.

woo hoo! Cool, man!

Don’t mention it I like the colors alot they give me a soothing sense as i said before and it looks really cool when you are laying in bed and listening to techno I can look at it and fall asleep which I am thinking of doing.


My Entry, a shot during a storm last night.

Using shades of 1 colour to explore texture and depth.
8 sec. time exposure
Nikon CoolPix 995
