there are no mods at the moment people could do anything.
Too. Much. Spam.
Way too much spam… ya dont have to make a new thread for every single thing you are thinking about
phew they’re back, and without any riots happening while they’re gone.
I’m usually here, but no one ever knows that I am online… You never know…
how do you do that, jubba? log out? lol.
they very often cruise thru here in StealthMode :sure:
actually I am the only mod that does it that i know of. I just did it at one point because I didn’t want a certain member to know that I was online…
very crafty jubba. your just like 007 suave, sophisticated, debonair, you have a way with the ladies and are virtually undetectable
was the certain member me? I think I was stalking you for a bit, that might have done it.
uh oh - he’s on to me :sure:
…Ive seen some of the others do it now and then…
…it must be majic… :!:
im undetectable right now
…awhhhhh… I see you found the Maaaajic button =)