ElectronGeek should be mod! he does stuff! I remember like my first question he answered in like two seconds! I think… it feels like so long ago. Kirupa forums rule. sheds a tear
And while I’m on the topic! I SHOULD BE MOD!
ElectronGeek should be mod! he does stuff! I remember like my first question he answered in like two seconds! I think… it feels like so long ago. Kirupa forums rule. sheds a tear
And while I’m on the topic! I SHOULD BE MOD!
LMAO!!! :geek: You must have lost your mind, I’m not experienced enough to be a MOD here, maybe in the future. =)
what’s the diff between member and mod?
is the big deal like… closing threads, and moving them…?
and by the by, I HAVE LOST MY MIND.
Maybe lostinbeta will help me find it. that dude’s the shiznaz.
Mods can edit and deletes posts and they can ban you I guess and among other things that I’m not aware of.
Hey everyone, I’m proclaiming myself Member-Mod. Yeah. Or some other name that’s more clever as soon as I come up with it.
*Originally posted by Aislin *
he does stuff!
hmmm. You know what? You got a GOOD POINT!
electrongeek for Mod!!!
sen for mod! he agrees so he’s cool!
PLUS he’s cool!
I think the word is cynical! I THINK! Hey sen, are you cynical?
*Originally posted by Aislin *
sen for mod! he agrees so he’s cool!
PLUS he’s cool!
*Originally posted by Aislin *
**I think the word is cynical! I THINK! Hey sen, are you cynical? **
cynicaly speaking, no.
… Im still trying to figure out whats in this for you…
*Originally posted by senocular *
cynicaly speaking, no.
… Im still trying to figure out whats in this for you… **
It is actually quite simple
See… If Aislin mentions as many names as possible, and one of those people every do become mod in the future then he can claim that it was because he mentioned they should be. So it will be one of those “I created you” type things.
LOL :trout:
LOL, interesting theory Lost. =)
hey, lost, are you cynical?
eg? are you?
Am I?
can someone define cynical? I think I’ve lost my way.
me cynical? sometimes!! muahahahahah :evil:
I can be a cynic… yes indeed.
so yes?
No, I am not all the time, so I am not a cynic all the time… just sometimes. EG and I like to be cynical together :beam:
(sounds wrong? yeah I know :beam: … get your mind outta the gutter folks)
i’ll quiet down now.
Anyways, Lost! You’re so cool!
Huh What makes you say that?
wow! EG is the best. He should be mod with Lost, the other mod, so that they can mod stuff together. and then they’ll be all like ‘Hey aislin, wanna be cool?’ and I’ll be like ‘YEAH!’ and they’ll be like ‘Dude, all you gotta do is invent a shareware version of flash without stealing any code.’ and I’ll be like ‘OKAY! sounds COOL LIKE PINEAPPLES!’
And then I’ll rot away for the rest of my life trying to be cool.
…■■■■ YOU!!!
I take back the ■■■■ you because that didn’t happen. BUT IF IT DOES! ■■■■ YOU!!!
Until then, hey, can I be cool now?
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