Oh PLEASE help me with sound

What a nightmare this is.

I will try and explain what my problem is in as much detail as possible.

I have a main movie into which all other movies load into an empty movie clip. In my main movie I created a seperate movie clip and inserted a sound loop with frames extending the entire length of the sound. I have put no stop actionscript because I want it to loop continually.

Ok, now I go back to my main scene and drag this movie clip to its own layer (it plays ok when I test the movie but there is a two second gap which is annoying, when it comes to the end of the music) Can this be fixed? I didn’t use stream, I used event.

I then made two buttons for turn music off and turn music on. I am not sure what actionscript to put on the turn music on button. I put the following script on the off button as follows:

on (release) {

This works fine but as I say I don’t know what to do with the on button. how do I turn the music back on?

In fact I would like to know If I am going about all this in the correct way, for example I am not sure if The music should even be placed in a movie clip? Perhaps it should be on the main timeline? I just don’t know.

Any guidance would be most welcome. I have looked for tutorials but none addressed my issues.

I am dark purple with frustration at the moment.

Thank you.

You should use the [font=courier new]Sound[/font] object instead. :slight_smile:


I managed to sort it out thanks.

Phew that tutorial is for advanced users. In fact it isn’t a tutorial, it doesn’t tell you how to actually do anything. I think macromedia are useless at explaining things to any who isn’t advanced.

Thanks all the same.

Ok, glad you figured it out. :thumb:

Have you gone through the Kenny Bellew tutorial? It’s really easy to follow for beginners.


Most of the help found on these forums for sound references this site. It is very thorough!
