OK, I think this is the one

Let me clear everything up in simple terms, as I still get many questions regarding the Designers Unit Project.

  1. Take the Label, add your own message.
  2. Take label with message and place it in a design taht you create.
  3. Once you have created the design with whatever you are trying to communicate to all other designers, send me the link to it, and I will post it for everybody to see.

This means I will be linking you on my page.

I hope that makes it completely clear.



me don´t get it… doh!;(

kiding :stuck_out_tongue:

that was pretty clear for the first time. (this is third or fourth time?)



Anyways, here are some more answers that people were curious about.

  1. You can resize the label to any size you like.
  2. If you Intend to participate, please send me an email and I will add you to the list with a coming soon next to it.
  3. You can use the label in anyway you like, as long as its somewhat recognizable and as long as the colors stay the same.
  4. The label can be placed inside your design, and can be small, as long as its recognizable.

The main point is to show off your creativity, and have the label be only secondary as a show of unity.