Hi again guys!
I’m not sure if any of you remember, but a couple of months back I put a link to my portfolio on here for your ever-so-valuable feedback.
Well, I’ve taken all your advice on board and literally started again from scratch, and I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to comment on any aspect for me?
I’ve tried to keep to todays web standards (such as CSS layouts), and also tried to make a more efficient use of the PHP code I’m using (this is the first time I’ve built a site without Dreamweavers help!)
Now, obviously this site is sort of my main way of getting a job within the industry, so if anyone has any comments on any aspect of the site then please let me know. Also, design isn’t really my strong point, so please excuse my rather poor Photoshop skills!
Anyway, the link is http://www.michael-smedley.co.uk, and I look forward to all your feedback!