I will when he log-in.
Hey bullets, just Pm jubba if you dont want to apoligize on the thread or leave a message here. I understand you might of mis-read the first message by Cheez00, he was just playing around, thats why he put a winking smilies after his first line
But Jubba didnt do anything more than give you some advice on your site, like i did. Hope this can all work out. Latr Bro.
You asked for critques and I gave them too you. Do you want me to sugar-coat it? I could tell you that its amazing and that I love it and that you are the best web designer ever, but then that wouldn’t help you really now would it?
I said straight out what I think needed work.
1- The rollOvers are too loud. And I don’t think blood-curdling screams are necessary. Although it did scare the **** outta my roommate. I do appreciate that.
2- There is no real point to the animations on the page. The main one in the middle is too distracting. While reading the comments in the shoutbox, my eyes kept migrating over to the animation. When you make a website you don’t want anything to take away from the content. You want subtle animations that enhance the content.
3- There is no preloader, and its pretty standard to have one, even on small files. It wasn’t a probelm for me, because I’m on a high speed connection, but I can see how this would take a while to load on a slower machine.
4- Too much empty space. You don’t really utilize the space of the site effectively. Designing a website is a difficult thing. There are all these lines that should be crossed and there are all these things that you have to do. You can’t make the site too busy or too dull, you can’t make it too dark or too bright. You can’t have too much stuff on the screen at once, overloading the viewer, and you can’t have too much empty space because the eye wanders with out a definate focal point.
Your site needs work. I don’t care if you just got Flash yesterday and this is what you churned out. You posted here asking for critiques on your site. I dont’ care if you were my grandmother, I would give you the same critique. It needs work. A lot of it. If you can’t take the critiques you get, then dont post it here. We aren’t going to walk on egg-shells just because you can’t take the criticism.
And I would appreciate an apology from you. And I would like you to apologize to Cheez as well. That kind of immature behavior is not tolerated here, at all.
PS: Don’t ever mention my mother again. I’m the only one allowed to call her a slut.
It wouldn’t load my end… I’ll give it another go later tonight…
Nice site dawg
I mean dog.
Im still waiting for that apology Bullet.