*OK My...*

Ok My Site pretty much sucks but can…give me a score from 1-10 juding me as a rookie please…


just curious, is there a reason you posted in random, rather than site check?


*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**just curious, is there a reason you posted in random, rather than site check?

Rev **

I’m pretty much new here don’t know all the difrrent sections that well how can i move it?

I’ll move it for you. No prob, that is why I asked…


*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**I’ll move it for you. No prob, that is why I asked…

Rev **

Thankz alot bro

I will give you * of 10 !

  • Make a preloader !
  • Let the movie load togather !
  • Main menu is small !
  • text is not that clear in about me…etc !

? dont have any more I think !

I like the colors and the sound LOL !:chinaman:

nice work man !

Eminem : :trout: Nice music I like some of his music !

*Originally posted by Blastboy *
**I will give you * of 10 !

  • Make a preloader !
  • Let the movie load togather !
  • Main menu is small !
  • text is not that clear in about me…etc !

? dont have any more I think !

I like the colors and the sound LOL !:chinaman:

nice work man !

Eminem : :trout: Nice music I like some of his music ! **

if i knew how to make a preloader don’t you think i would make one?


*Originally posted by Voetsjoeba *
**kirupa.com - Preloader With Percentage **

Thats really smart I’m not using MX

I’m using FLSH 5 :beam:


that search button is truly wonderful:


this one is in Flash 4, so I think you should be able to get it to work…

(we’ve been around for a while, so we have quite a few diff tutorials)


Hey Bullet-Shells , nice technical parts in your site, like the shout out section. Its all pretty good, just a few thing i would like to mention. The looping animations are too much in your face, if they are more subtle, like you could make that circles in the middle into a spinning Vinyl. and the 3 images on the right are annoying , maybe have them stay static and some difference effect on each, or if you were going for that tv static look, make the images move rapidly for a few sconds fading in and out, and add that scan line you have on the top left to the imags, so it looks like a tv losing reception.

::: the scream sound sample on the buttons of the top left are freaky bro, a bit too much for each button.

Maybe try the colour white for your type as well.

:: lose the animated dots on Eminem

Other than that, its pretty nice layout, needs some work, and could be even better.

Ill give you a 5 for now, because i can see alot of thing good but still can be improved.

DUDE WTF IS YOUR PROBLEM!!! :wink: im here by myself 3.13 am and i go o ver those butons, with no music playing and im ****ing startled out of my mind… makes me not want to visit that site anymore… >:( but the rest is ok, i like the shoutbox…

VJ: only constructive criticism please.

The site needs a lot of work. The rollOvers are too loud and annoying, the animation is too busy, no preloader, too much empty space.

*Originally posted by Cheez00 *
**DUDE WTF IS YOUR PROBLEM!!! :wink: im here by myself 3.13 am and i go o ver those butons, with no music playing and im ****ing startled out of my mind… makes me not want to visit that site anymore… >:( but the rest is ok, i like the shoutbox… **

Who gives a flying **** you fat basterd i would love if you not vist my site you fat basterd.

*Originally posted by Jubba *
**The site needs a lot of work. The rollOvers are too loud and annoying, the animation is too busy, no preloader, too much empty space. **

And?.. ****ing idioot if you read what i said up top about me being a rookie only had the program for about 4ms you prick.I BET YOUR PHOTOSHOP skills suck just like your MOM right?


that was uncalled for. Even tho he deserved it, do not lower yourself to that level. People get banned for this kind of thing.


cool it. post constructive comments in a friendly way, or don’t post at all. If you are surfing at 3:00 AM, and don’t want to be shocked by sounds on a webpage, then turn off your sounds… Any more outbursts like the one above, and you could be banned. We are all adults here, behave like one.


it’s not a bad site.
i must say that the ‘screaming’ links got the entire computer labs attention:)
it’s different, but not really too bad

*Originally posted by Bullet-Shells *
**And?.. ****ing idioot if you read what i said up top about me being a rookie only had the program for about 4ms you prick.I BET YOUR PHOTOSHOP skills suck just like your MOM right? **


appologize to jubba for this. This type of response is not tolerated here, especially towards a mod. If you can’t take the heat, don’t post your work. This is not the place to fish for compliments.
