Need sum opinions!

Hey guys… man, therez mad talent on this board, just had to sya that!

Havnt been on in a while.

Neway, can y’all check my friends site and post some comments as to what u honestly think of it so far (its nt completed yet)!.


Let us know!!!


thought that maybe there is to much flashing on occasions and visual and interactive took a little while to download maybe a preloader is needed which tells how long is left

but still nice look

First off your friend needs to work on the text, the text in the visual section is larger than the text in the home section, keep it consistent.

Next a preloader for the sections is definitely needed and maybe bump up the fps a lil too.

Also, why is there a empty white box in the bottom right corner? What’s that suppose to be? If it’s not used for anything then lose it, kills the layout.

I thought the animation of the guy walking is cool, I like that and the color scheme. =)

Thnx guyz!!

By tha way - electrongeek -ur site is SLICK! Have u really only been flashing 4 a lil while? U must be a fast learner! Check my first site out at version1

My current one (which is stil MAJORLY under construction) is at version2

Keep up the good work - ur sites def an inspiration!

PS wot programs did u use apart 4rm flash#??

Thanks Pjc4real, I’m a flash newbie, I’m going on my 4th month with flash MX. Besides flash, I used Cinema 4D to make the backgrounds on my site. I also use Illustrator and Photoshop as well. I’m flattered that you hold such high regards to my site even though its nothing compared to 2advanced whom I admire a lot. If you want to be inspired, visit their site and be amazed. =)

OK, first off the good stuff:

I love the walking guy on the homepage (kinda reminds me of the way I draw, so thumbs up there).
I also like the white, black and red colour scheme. Nice and simple, and works really well.
Overall it looks good, funky and modern. Well done, keep it up.

Couple of points though, basically in agreement with what’s been said before:

The preloader definitely needs some kind of text / info, otherwise the users are going to wonder what’s going on. I’m guessing this could just be because the whole thing isn’t finished yet.
And the white box in the bottom right seems to be redundant.

Ok. Yeh, I’ve been to their site- it is very good! But no, seriously urz iz good! Yeh, I use mainly Flash and Photoshop, but I wanna start using Cinema 4D as well.

I always think if some1 else can do it, so can i!


hahah yea, if I can do it, anyone can and I’m sure you will too. Your stuff now isnt bad, it has a lot of potential. My site didnt start out like that over night, it took many hours of planning and re planning. There was a lot of trial and error too and countless hours of sitting in front of the comp cussing like theres no tomorrow. =P

I am the now 1/2 proud owner and creater of this site!

I thank you all for my comments! both constructive and critical. my new and complete site will be uploaded this week! i have already made the changes you guys have mentioned!

added a few more walking ppl, my girlfriend and little cousin have bin used as models!

Geek - sorry cant remeber your full name - your site is BAD one of the best ive seen. how long did it take you? i need to learn how to do some complex mouse overs and add stuff like mailing lists and music that doesnt sound C.R.A.P (basically now ive seen you site i no ive got alot to learn) but like my mate MEGAMAN im really determined to do it! you really have mastered cinema 4d im lost i think now ive seen what you can to with it im gonna sit down a play around until i crack all it has to offer!

Nice 1…

Thanks Urban, my site took me about a month to assemble and many sleepless nights. =)

Sorry I cant stop looking at ur site im still amazed!

Electron:nerd:Geek - How Do You Keep The File Size Of you Movie Down? you have alot of effects and different stuff but yet is doesnt take that long to load? are they all different URL movies that come in to make a complete page?

im glad to here that ur page took a month mine i did in 1 nite standing in front of my digital cam so i still got another 30days to make mine up to scratch!

My site is devided up into many seperate swf files. I have the main one load in the beginning and every time you click on something, it loads a new swf into the main movie. You’ll notice that I have a preloader for each section.