Old Car Modding

I felt like posting a battle…

U guys need to mod this img…

An old Beetle (Fusca in Brazil)…

Good luck to everyone… :kommie:

Edit: Car changed…

I think you should post a higher quality picture, it’s really difficult to work with low-res images, and the ouput is not as good as it could possibly be…

Yeah Please get a higher quality one, and once you do, I’ll be in it.

Is this one better??

If so… lets start!! :]

I never saw the first one but this beetle looks fine to me. I’m in. Theme?

I want to take a sec and implore my fellow modders (word?). Please, PLEASE, make it look REAL. Alter it in a fashion that makes it look like it is an actual picture of something that truly exists. I’ve seen some mods that while interesting or has been modded sufficiently looks absolutely unrealistic.

This picture of the beetle, while bathed in some sort of sepia filter, is an actual picture of a beetle. Please…let’s all ask ourselves this question: “If I was to show my finished picture to someone, would they believe that it was real?”

yeah il take a crack at it.

[font=Comic Sans MS]I’m working on it btw i am new here but i have lots of experince but i will give it a shot


KInda forgor about this battle…

Mine is almost ready…

Here is my post…
Sorry for the long time…

What do you guys think?? :stuck_out_tongue:

hhehe wait till my pimped car but the convertable top is screwed lol

ok here it is not that good and i had to upload it to freewebs cuz my host died and i still have to get a new 1 its real crappy ok its not working heres so http://www.freewebs.com/shadowconanime/fuscame.jpg ] if u look closley u can see more changes tell me what u think

I can’t work with the starting image.

Here is where I gave up.

dude you only changed the color…

i gave up on that too

Well my original idea was to give it an apple theme, but… screw it.

here’s mine…
not too satisfied about it though :frowning:

pimp daddy…lol my FIRST car mod its …well words cant describe it

When is the poll gonna be up?
DO I do that or a MOD does it?

dont ask me :wink:

i think you can better ask a mod