hmm ima get some more work done on it tommorrow, ill try and post the swf sometime this week. the planet wont seem to do a full 360 degree spin using a motion tween it like goes for 270 degrees then it reverts to the opposite direction im working with some of the movement tutorials on this site just basic x and y axis movement maybe that will reduce the size of the file.
also im making the crawlers that will climb up and down then im gonna zoom out and show the whole solar system with the elevator going from planet to planet.
wish me luck<:}
thats cool
didnt really think id get that much support for that here, after all it is pretty simplistic
anyways thanks again.
see my prob is, im a n00b at flash and i have all the ideas about stuff i could do the one problem is, i cant figure out how to do it.
thanks again, and have a merry KWANZA:ninja: