I just made a car in Flashmx, actually in illustrator and then I imported it as an swf frame in flash. NOw im trying to make it seem like the wheels are moving. The LEft and right wheel are on a seperate layer. I was able to make the wheels seem like they were spinning on a motion tween from a rotation. But that was only when it stood still. Now im trying to make the whole entire car seem like its moving. I tried to change the postion of the wheel at each keyframe. It was good until i saw that the wheel stop spinning. How come? I even tried to make the wheel into a movie symbol and making it spin in the movie and have the wheels move out side of the movie clip (wheels).
I believe i tried something like that. It didn’t work propely. Do u think you can post an a sample? or do u know where i can find an .fla that has objects that move and rotate at the same time
Oh no…we we’re having problems with the forum. Try zipping up your swf file then uploading your zip file instead. I’ll make a note of this so we can fix the problem.
Another thing that is happening with the wheel as it turns is that, I see it kind of staggers after a few frames. Its not entirely noticable but i can see it stutter every 10frames
I think the stagger Madburner is referring to is caused by the interactions of too many objects moviing at once. It gets a bit more processor intesive when you’re tweening multiple objects at once.
I tried experimenting by using a bit more actionscript instead of tweens and found that it was worse which is wierd. I guess my scripting isn’t efficient enough. I got rid of all the tweens and applied this script to the car.