Hi there this is the first time i use this forum, i hope it’s a good one and people can help each-other out here.
For the moment I’ve got a problem.
I’m working on this site witch loads and unloads swf in to the main swf, I also made a navigation bar so that you know where you are on the site. My question is, Do you know in your browser where you can click the ‘previous button’ you go to the previous page. And i wanna use the same principal in my navigation bar (between the swf files) for the moment you always have to use the home btn, but i also wanna use the previous button in the browser but this automaticly brings me to an other site.
I think it has something to do with ’ on key press’
If someone has some advice you’re more than welcome.
He kax thanks for the help,
But it still didn’t work, I found this url witch contains a tutorial but i think my actionscripting isn’t still good enough.
But there should be another simpler way to solve this problem.
Something like this.
I have got Mc1(home) (with a home btn not active)in this movie clip I load another Mc A, Mc1 isn’t visible then. The home btn becomes active. What’s possible for the moment is on key press “backspace” it goes back to Mc1(home).
If you are using Flash MX then there is a way to set up named anchors within your time line that the back button of the browser will navigate to. I believe this is what Kax was refering too.
Ive not looked for any tutorials yet, and Ive not even tried whats in the help files, but you might want to have a look at the help file that way you know what kinda tutorials you are looking for.
In Flash MX go to the Help Menu->Using Flash, this will pop up a web browser with the help files.
Click on: Using Flash, then Working In Flash, then you might have to scroll a bit. Under the heading Using Frames and Keyframes, the very last sub part is Using Named Anchors… Click that sucker open to take a look at what is going on with alla that… Hope this helps.
Thanks for all the help it was really usefull.
I worked it out.
It’s actually pretty simpel in Flash Mx
Ya just fill in the frame label and right under the text input bar is a checkbox for named anchors.
The browser knows it automaticly that there are chapters in the flash file.
Well thanks for all the help and I think you guy’s really make the difference on kirupa.
Thanks again, greetz Nickos
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