Online Actionscript 2.0 Index? (+Intro)

Heya ALL,

My problems are:

A. I don’t understand the syntax and I want to.
B. I can NOT stand the way the Help system is set up under the work area in such a tiny area, and is not nearly as comprehensive as I would like.

Anyways, that is my short intro and I am happy to be here, and to have decided this forum is certainly one of great help. This is a perfect way someone could help me:

I am looking for outlined elements of syntax of Actionscript 2.0, and a list of functions, arguments and parameters (whatever they are called in Flash) defined in clear statements, with examples. I download source files, and read some Actionscript 2.0 on posts, but until I get a list of “what argument” does what, I am rather at a loss, or working under too much assumption to be careful. NOTE: I am not a script kiddie, I like to write my own code, have experience coding, making flow charts, and developing solutions in Object Oriented evironments, and work out my own methods and solutions!

Thanks in advance for your help!
