Online flashportfolio of a Jazzdancer

Wazzzzup peeps,

Check out this new release:

An online portfolio of a jazzchoreographer … also check out
his showreel… it’s MAD!!!




It’s real smooth, nice color shceme, clean and simple layout. I like it. =)

Nice Website! :beam:

very smooth and very hip, well done! A+ :slight_smile:


thnx for the posts!


:tie: (cool smilies here)

Nice colors and pretty clean, original player (I think), very nice :beam: .

thats a cracker…

nice colour scheme…easy on the eye…

simple navigation with lots of great transitions…

well done m8…

i think i’ve turned slightly green with envy…

nice 1

::::: AnOraK :::::

I’m certainly very impressed.

Firstly that’s a great site. It’s so smooth and slick. I too am more than a little green with envy. I think you’ve done a fantastic job with it. The colours are good, it loads quickly and there was no mystery navigation.

Secondaly, it was interesting to see a dancer’s website. I used to dance before I becaome a web developer, so it was fun to read from that point of view. I was more contempory than jazz though - Graham, Humphrey and Cunningham techniques, thant kind of thing. I do enjoy Jazz though, and it’s nice to see a site about it.

Well done. :slight_smile:

Wow thanx boys & girls …
I appreciate all comments!!!

Thanx for posting and keep posting :wink:

