Online interaction with flash?

Im not really sure how best to describe what im looking to acheive, maybe a late night mental block isn’t helping. I have recently got into flash and am looking and getting something together that allows interaction between to players on a flash game. for example a head to head contest. for example 2 players complete the same task and a comparison is made between those scores in real time. so something that would pair players up and then complete a task. is this possible in flash and anyone know where to get started. I have the basic of my game in place but want to get it more interactive than trying to beat your own score. not concerned with having log ins or anythinglike that. Its basically a short game revolving around keying sequences i.e. repeatedly tapping certain buttons and timing keystrokes which in turn calculates a score.

how would i go about getting flash to compare 2 players or even everyone playing at that times score together to give a live high score? is it possible or massssssively complex?