ONLY for the WOMEN

i want to be a career woman but i do want to have a kid also. a husband would be ok to have but not required.

*Originally posted by golgi *
**heheh. this thread is turning into an “about golgi” thread. hahaha.

i’ll start a topic. lets see. erm. ok. hmm. ok!!! i have one!!!
was your first kiss cool or gross? hehehe. (feels like 8th grade all of a sudden) **

omg, my first kiss was great. the guy had the nicest, smoothest tongue ever. :stuck_out_tongue:

ewwwww… .Girls…

mwhahahahaaaa pooossstt!

ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew…!!!

invaaaasiooooonnn… boooooooohhh…!


*Originally posted by pinx *
**omg, my first kiss was great. the guy had the nicest, smoothest tongue ever. :stuck_out_tongue: **

lol. mine was too. but i can’t say if his tongue was smooth or not. i was paying more attention to the funny feeling behind my eyeballs. but he did have a wonderful smoocher. :slight_smile:

i don’t really understand why u girls need a place 4 your own,
i don’t need a place like that (for men i mean) why do u all need it.

but i’m a man, so i better be getting out of here and unsubscribe this thread, Bye,bye:flower:

Greetz from:
:skull: deamothul - the script keeper - :skull:


*Originally posted by deamothul *
**i don’t really understand why u girls need a place 4 your own,
i don’t need a place like that (for men i mean) why do u all need it.

but i’m a man, so i better be getting out of here and unsubscribe this thread, Bye,bye:flower:

Greetz from:
:skull: deamothul - the script keeper - :skull: **

So we can annoy you guys :stuck_out_tongue: !!!

What is this! Have civilization come this far to be segregated on the basis of sex? Have we learned nothing so far?

“We must all learn to live as brothers[sisters] or die as fools!”
Martin Luther King Jr.

heheheh… just wanted to get philisophical on your girly butts!

anyway… I don’t know what you girls are talking about careers but MY dream is to marry a rich doctor… she’ll go off to work in the morining, while I sit at home… play with the kids and clean the house, spend her money… ahh…

You just want the nurses uniform. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, that too! :crazy:

But It would be great! She works… I do my own thing… draw a bit… cook a bit… hehehe…! Ahh the dreams… [Who needs a career when you dont need a career!]

remembers his first kiss lol she tasted like some devine ashtray :frowning:

Yeah dude, my first kissed sucked big time~!

woohoo we turned girly chat into lad chat lol :stuck_out_tongue: sorry golgi :D. But i happy to say they were mostly better from that moment on , but i gotta say bad breath is the worst thing in kissin!!! ewwww

*Originally posted by Demonia *
**So we can annoy you guys :stuck_out_tongue: !!! **

Ooohhhh,.,. makes sense I:-) , but??? i am not annoyed though.

for i am :evil:

peace,greetz from a man to all u lovely girlies… =)

Deamothul: it’s actually a secret conspiracy - where ever guys see “women only” they rush to poke their nose in thus leaving the rest of the forum undefended and we chicks can take over :evil: :wink: mwuahhhahaha

D :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by Lunar_4u *
**woohoo we turned girly chat into lad chat lol :stuck_out_tongue: sorry golgi :D. **

its ok, your my favorite boy so you can talk whenever, wherever. :love:

tehehehe awwwww how sweet :love:

*Originally posted by Demonia *
**Deamothul: it’s actually a secret conspiracy - where ever guys see “women only” they rush to poke their nose in thus leaving the rest of the forum undefended and we chicks can take over :evil: :wink: mwuahhhahaha

D :stuck_out_tongue: **

I :love: your :evil: wayzzzz Demonia, mwuuuaaahaahahaaahaha…