Sideburns :P

I decided to grow some sideys…

i always blink when i take a photo with a flash so i thought what the hell ill pre-empt it…:sure:

:thumb: looks good…

i think we should have a smiley for sideburns also :wink:

Looks like you’ve fallen asleep whilst taking the photo :wink:

Keep em, they look fine

hehehe matthewjumps too cute u r…:smiley:

Now i know your female footsite I’m not worried by this comment :wink:

Lol, unclesond what made u think i was otherwise??? :smiley:

I’m just one of those stubborn guys who presumes everyone is a man :blush:

^LOL…haahah…ohh aight u can b be as stubborn as u like and go on thinking i m a man :stuck_out_tongue:

we can have a man to man chat :wink:

haha :lol:

@Footsie - thanks :wink: im flattered…thank goodness u are a girl :smiley:

anyway yea i think i should keep em too…

and a sideburn smiley thats a cool idea.


thank goodness u are a girl


heres my take on a sideburns smiley