I third that … it would be nice to have a corner of our own (BTW - I can only talk about nail polish for 5 seconds before my brain melts from the boredom =) ). BUT - we can criticize men :beam: - that is always a great subject!!!
i only have a few pairs of shoes… i guess im not very good at beign a girl
heres my shoe list:
birkenstocks for the spring and summer and fall~~casual
black stillettos for all year round when i need to dress up
leather steel toes for well, most of the time when i am not wearing the birks
black doc martens and red/antiquey ones - for the pleasure of a boot with the style that the steel toes lack
sneakers for when i work out (all stars)
and bowling shoes cuz im a dork and bowl
*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**What about putting up shelves? And fixing the VCR when it’s broken? **
ahh, i do all that myself
here are the things i do that are typically “man” things
all the electronic wiring/fixing around the house
all the carpentry stuff
changing my oil
regular maintenece of my jeep
changing my family’s oil too, cuz they are hopeless
barbeque queen, no one else is ever allowed to grill
opening jars
lifiting heavy stuff
opening my neighbor’s jars heheheh
being on top
theres more. but i cant think of it.
ok, guess thats not a good topic. how bout this girls.
do you think that you’d like to settle down someday and be a mom and housewife and stuff? or do you see yourself as a career woman? or are you already in your ‘adult middle life’ period, and in that case what are you doing?
Kind of approaching that ‘mid-life’ bit. :sure: Well, not mid life exactly, but quarter of a century this year.
Personally I’m more interested in my career. I’m sure I’d be a lousy housewife. I’ve got my own house, so I have to cook, iron, clean and all that, but that’s not to say I enjoy it. Well, cooking is fun, if I’m in the mood for it.