Only you can prevent drunk bears!

Funny Funny Story…


Poor bear, he’s probably just got a big wife at home that won’t stop eating/talking.

:huh: …:-/ …:smirk: …:trout:…:hugegrin:

I like it.

hey mikey i think he likes it!

haha, very funny indeed…

Yeah I like it all right. Funny story too :thumb:

lol that’s new :stuck_out_tongue:

d**n, you just can’t take your bear for a walk without him falling over drunk

what is the world coming to these days :wink:


Haha, awesome bear ! Let’s call him Homer =)

he needs to go to Bear AA… he obviously has a drinking prob…LOL :wink:

:lol: Poor bear.

Rainier Beer should adapt him as their mascotte or something.

maybe its the labalt blue bear and he secretly craves rainer beer… there goes his contract…

In a recent taste test 1 out of 1 bears prefer the taste of Rainier beer over Busch beer.
Choose on taste

cheers, lolz i m finding somany beer pics today…i need one rightnow :slight_smile:

it’s a travesty, it’s a sham, it’s a mockery… it’s a travashamockery!

hahaha - that is great!

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