OOP question

Is it possible to add my own custom property to the flash.display.Bitmap using a public static method?

I’m trying to write a bitmap utility that does something to a bitmap, and stores a Number property onto it afterwards.

// Main.as
	import flash.display.Sprite;
	import flash.events.Event;
	public class Main extends Sprite 
		private var myBitmap:Bitmap;

		public function Main():void 
			if (stage) init();
			else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
		private function init(e:Event = null):void 
			removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
			myBitmap = new _myBitmap(); // linage from library
			trace(myBitmap.myNewProp); // undefined
			trace(myBitmap.myNewProp); // The Math.random() number

// Utils.as
	public class Utils
		public function Utils():void 
		public static function doBitmap(image:Bitmap):void {
			// do something
			image.myNewProp = Math.random();

I’m still learning AS3.0 OOP, so please be gentle, but I think that this can’t be done with this method. I think I have to make a new Class that extends ‘Bitmap’, add the prop there, and then in the Main.as make a new instance of that class, point to the target Bitmap, and run the method in the extended ‘Bitmap’ class (?).