Hey all,
Looking for some advice. I consider myself an pretty solid actionscripter. I often help out on these forums…I can prototype and have made all sorts of useful interesting little scripts (waitToPlay,inline debugger,xml -> object to name a few)…but now I’m at a loss.
I’m a…mediocre object oriented programmer. I know the concept and I’ve used the concepts, but only on a basic level. I haven’t really seen a need to build full fledged classes yet. Maybe I’m short sighted on their potential.
And then my other big weakness is math. Again, I understand Trig and Algebra and all the rest and how they apply to code, and I’m easily good enough to take someone else’s equations and run with them…but I’m only so decent on my own.
Clearly I feel there’s much to be learned. I’m 23 and working as the sole ActionScript developer for the Interactive Department of my advertising firm. Frankly, I think I’m more than capable for the job I do there…but there’s a long career ahead of me and a lot of people “in front” of me if I ever went for bigger and better things.
In the next year or two I plan on gaining a mastery on both OOP and Math. My job entails enough that I need to be able to work dynamically and creativily at the same time. However, I’m at a loss to decide which is MORE important to learn first. Do you think there’s benefits (and what are they?) to mastering one before the other?
Any thoughts are appreciated, even by someone who doesn’t have this level of expertise.
Thanks y’all.