Should I continue down the actionscript 3.0 route or take a more motion graphics route?
I’ll explain why I am asking. I have been working with Flash for about a year now and Actionscript for maybe about the same. I just recently picked up the learningactionscript 3.0 book, but was on forums and online tutorials first for AS3. I understand basics and a lot of intermediate/advanced actionscript but still have problems with understanding the proportional images and movieclips for fluid flash browsers. And find OOP difficult in some areas. I always find myself hitting a brick wall.
Though I can do a lot of great stuff without fluid flash layout, I still want to be able to do some nice advanced tricks that I can’t find in the forums or tutorials. I am really good with animation and love doing After Effects special effects. I don’t think I will ever give up on Actionscript 3.0 because I want to become a good interaction designer. I am off to get my Master’s in Human computer interaction next fall because this school doesn’t teach anything to do with actionscript, but I would like your advice on if this is a good move and if it was just as difficult for you guys? Or should I go down a more visual effects route?