Open a PDF from flash.exe or projector

Hi, a stoopido question.

I just want to open a PDF document from a .exe or projector. Do you have to call it via URL or fsCommand. I am confused…?:frowning:

Any help is appreciated!

GetURL will do. :slight_smile:

Hi, i have done that, i put this basic line in:

on (release) {


The Pdf is in the same location as the projector…
Still not happening?

Try this…

on (release) {

The PDF will open in a new window. :slight_smile:

man, this is the ultimate basic thing, but Still no Luck… It works from a Webpage fine, but not from my Projector or an EXE. Any resons u can think of?

I really can’t understand why.
thanks for your help…

open in projector…mmm
how bout the using the fscommand?
make a fscommand folder and place ur pdf in folder.
Make a batch file in that folder as well to open the pdf.
using fscommand in flash to open the batch file.
Hope it work coz i tried open an avi before but not pdf.

ohh… that’s terrible. Try to check everything again. Or make another dummy and test it if it will works. ok!

Thanks guys, I guess making a fscommand must be the only way.

The only problem, Cd is going on Mac & Pc, so i guess i have to call the exec command for a pc & applescript for Mac?..

I will try, but it is going to get way complex =(

Thanks again!

yes fscommand will do! …but you should use the flash 5 version… i mean you should publish it in flash 5 format for the f5 has tons of fscommand support! :thumb: