Open html frames with flash?

Hi! I’m Jonathan, a coffee addicted 19 year ol’ chap from Sweden/Norway and I’m a ***NOOB ***and totally new to flash and everything. Somehow I’ve still made a website in flash (don’t ask how!!) and now I have a small problem (no supprise there) so I wonder if Kirupa is the place for me when I run in to small problems here and there? (Am I annoying?) I promise I wont take much of your time so please help a poor insignificant noob! (I like to add my thoughts like this :beam:)

So now that my introduction is done, shall we get to why I’m really here eh?

Edit: I’m using AS2, I haven’t learned AS3 yet and don’t know where to start…
My webpage consist in two Frames, a TopFrame and a MainFrame. The TopFrame contains my menu wich is made in flash. By now you might have guessed the problem. Thats right, I’m trying to get flash to open/change html files in the MainFrame by clicking the a buton on the menu in my TopFrame. This is the code I’m using:

this.onRelease = function(){
getURL("", "MainFrame");

But all it does is open a new window with the exact same contents. I’ve seen a tutorial here on Kirupa I’ve tried to follow, but it didn’t help.
You can check out the 1nt3rn3tZ most failed website here (my page,