I’ve been trying to get my original flash movie to open up a new one in a separate browser window with no toolbars, menubars etc and to a specific size.
First of all I assigned this action to the button in my original flash file:
on (release) {
then in the html page that the original flash sits I have:
<!-- Begin
function Launch(page) {
OpenWin = this.open(page, "Gallery", "toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,width=451,height=472");
// End -->
This I copied direct from a tutorial from this site which suggests putting this file in the BODY tags. However when I try it out, I click on the button in the flash file and it opens up a new page but with nothing in it (i.e. not the requested html page) and just a copy of my getURL entry
which is dispayed in the location bar.
Anyone got any idea what might be going on?!