Open window problems

Hi got a really simple problem ( but I´m stuck and can´t figure the problem out. I want to open a window from within a swf no problem so far.
I use following script in the html-file I want to open

<script language=“JavaScript”>
function openNewWindow(URLtoOpen, windowName, windowFeatures) {, windowName, windowFeatures); }

And following script in my button in the .swf


All of this according to the following instructions:

But when I try it the window popsup but isn´t the right height or width (400,400) and it´s a blank page.

I´m attaching the .fla and pray that someone will have mercy over a poor rookie like me.

Seems like the script in the html page didn´t make it so here it is

script language=“JavaScript”>
function openNewWindow(URLtoOpen, windowName, windowFeatures) {, windowName, windowFeatures); }

removed begining and end tag of script.