in this tutorial, it says put as the url javascript:url
something along those lines it says just copy it into the url, thats not a url, where do i put the javascript part… i dont understand
in this tutorial, it says put as the url javascript:url
something along those lines it says just copy it into the url, thats not a url, where do i put the javascript part… i dont understand
Follow this thread, it might be a bit clearer.
its odd, when i do it, its like its trying to visit the site javascript:open what not… like its the url
have you got it yet???
Just a pop up from flash, no resize, etc, etc
i meant to say i didnt get it…
Put this on your button (on the stage)
on (release) {
getURL("javascript:openNewWindow(‘Demo. html’,‘thewin’,'height=500,width=650,toolbar=no,sc
rollbars=no’) ");
and then put this on the html/asp page that contains the flash movie that links the user to the no resize pop up window
----script language=“JavaScript”—
function openNewWindow(URLtoOpen, windowName, windowFeatures) {, windowName, windowFeatures); }
post back if there are problems
also if you get this
wait i see it… what does teh flash part by theWin mean… what do i put there, also what if i want just a scrollbar, tahts all the features i want
Javascript allows you to name different stuff, pages, forms, inputs, etc.
we just named that new window, ‘theWin’
You could pass it(name it) whatever you want,
scrollbar, hold on a second
scrollbars = yes
on (release) {
getURL("javascript:openNewWindow(‘Demo. html’,‘thewin’,‘height=500,width=650,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes’) ");
Cheez, did you get it to work?
----script language=“JavaScript”—
function openNewWindow(URLtoOpen, windowName, windowFeatures) {, windowName, windowFeatures); }
this is the part that always gives me problems. should this go in the head or the body of the page or doesnt it matter?
in the <head> is the correct way, but the body will also work
in the -head- is the correct way, but the body will also work
i think something is wrong wit the code for the -head- cuz i tested it and the code is showing up in my page.
go here\demolink.htm
view source and the javascript that is directly under the end title tag is exactly the way you want it
got it??
actually u missed something. I noticed in the link that u gave that the page had
this tag just beneath the body opening tag
<!--<A HREF="#" TARGET="_self" onClick="'Demo.html','Demo','toolbar=no,width=650,height=500,left=175,top=100, status=no,scrollbars=no,resize=no');return false">
Launch Demo</A>.-->
<****!— means that something is commented out in html and is not used, my --a href that links to the no-resize pop up window --is in the flsh movie
behind a button.
The original question of this thread was how do you do a pop window (no-resize) FROM a flash movie to anothr page
So, i did not forget anything—thank you
—’<!— blah -->’‘means that something is commented out in html and is not used, my --a href that links to the no-resize pop up window --is in the flsh movie’’
behind a button.
The original question of this thread was how do you do a pop window (no-resize) FROM a flash movie to anothr page
So, i did not forget anything—thank you
the code that you posted back is now in the flash movie
thanx 4 the link anyway, this code was exactly what i needed to solve a problem that i’ve been having for a month now.
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