Hey guys, im doing a flash site using external swf’s.
So i have this main area where the exernal swf’s are placed.
Now i have an opening animation happening when the external swf is brought in, but im wondering how do i do it, if i want to have a closing animation on that swf, before the new swf is loaded in?
i think i know what ya mean… what you do is to haver an opening and closing you don’t acually do anything to the main one… but you take one of the externals and the external should start with a frame of the exact same everything as the mian ends on… and then have that fad out or whatever you want to happen and then have the new one fade in or however u want it to happen.
The closing and opening will just take place in the next movie
Did u post this question in both the 5 and MX forum. That is a big no no. I don’t care if u do it but the mods will get upset. try to post in one forum for confusion sake. I thought I was having dajavu or something.