Opening and closing animations

Hey guys, im doing a flash site using external swf’s.
So i have this main area where the exernal swf’s are placed.

Now i have an opening animation happening when the external swf is brought in, but im wondering how do i do it, if i want to have a closing animation on that swf, before the new swf is loaded in?

Hope you understand what i mean!


If I understand correctly, all you’d need is the closing animation to run in the last frame of the current movie. At the end of this animation, you’d just have the ActionScript command loadMovieNum() to call up your next one. So it’ll load once your closing animation has finished playing.

Are u loading into layers or MC’s?

Hey, im loading into MC’s on diffrent levels!

Check that, play with the buttons on the bottom, and you will see what i mean!!

cool im wondering how they made those cool rollover effects?

Ya u have to have your preloader on a layer above of the content layers. On a button press it calls the preloader to play and it also sets a variable to idenditfy which button was pressed. The preloader takes that variable and loads the matching MC underneath and checks it’s laod %. Once doen the preloader goes to it’s closing animation.

I don’t have the exact codeing on me but I’ll try to whip up an FLA tonight. Then you can see exactly how it works and use the FLA to create your site. If u have the time give me to at least friday to have something for u. I could have it done sooner but I might get busy.

Thanx Sintax, yeah dnt worry too much bout doing it 2nite, Friday is cool :slight_smile:
or whenever you can



Oops, sori man, i ll stick to this post!


nice, that site rox.

i wonder where i can find tutorial to learn doin stuff like this. id like to know (cause im still newbie) is this all 1 big flash (after clickin enter button), because ive saw there waves on the sky, flashy buttons on the right side, and that sliding menu from the top.

right now im on the stage that im just thinkin about how to do something, not how its done and practising, thats why i would really appreciate your help.

Hey sintax, you still around? :-\

Ya man sorry i’ve been really busy. I had to re -desing a site and it has been eating up my time. I hope to get some stuff done this weekend.

Hey Sintax how u going?

Is that a picture of you? :cowboy:

Any luck with that fla yet?

Dont worry if your busy, i was just wondering!! :slight_smile:

Sorry Sorry. I’m still working on perfecting it. I have made some improvments on how it works so just a little longer.

PS. Yes that is me

Hey Sintax how u going?

Just wondering how ur going with that closing animation thing !?!

Sorry if i sound pushy!!


Check this thread (link below), I think that is what you´re looking for:

{F5} a true challenge : who can help me to get this script working?

Hope this help =)