You may have seen me talking about this band in the “black metal” thread… First things first, they arent black metal. If I were to call them a genre, I would say prog death metal, although dont let that put you off.
I personally think they are one of the most diverse bands out there at the moment, their song writing, technical ability and diversity is just ****ing amazing.
I find that they arent a band you instantly love, you first listen to them and think “woah this is pretty cool”, then listen to them some more, and some more, then suddenly it all clicks and they are suddenly your favourite band.
I cant really “describe” them that well, but visit and listen to some of thier songs on there (although they arent their best songs tbh).
I personally would recommend downloading or buying Ghost Reveries to get you started with the band, and then once you are more into the band Blackwater Park, Deliverance, Still Life… tbh every single one of thier albums are amazing.
Please check them out.