Optimized Phil´s Phooter

here :phil: :

hope it helps :wink:


  • Soul :s:


soul, phil is using an illegal phooter with 19,6 kb (4,6 kb over the limit) , so i optimized it for him :wink:

lol, a measly 4½ kb! :stuck_out_tongue:

but, rules are rules =)

you´re right on that buddy :wink:

Jeesh Eilsoe - dont let L.I.B. here you say that… He’ll have your worm snaps finger just like that!

That didnt come out right…?

if you embedded that image into a .swf, wouldn’t the file size decrease dramatically? just a thought…

*Originally posted by SureShot *
**Jeesh Eilsoe - dont let L.I.B. here you say that… He’ll have your worm snaps finger just like that!

That didnt come out right…? **

LOL, no it didn’t! :stuck_out_tongue:


Yes Eilsoe, you can keep your worm, I don’t want it…

[SIZE=1]ew ew ew ew ew ew ew[/SIZE]

I think Cayenne might phreak out juuust a tad if Mr. Wermsnapper here runs of with… err… u know…


Please, don’t go any further with that statement…lol.

[SIZE=1]good thing she’s not here right now…[/SIZE]


where did we come from?

shane, eilsoe…

…you know that you shoudn´t do these things in public…

GET A ROOM!!! :bad:

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

But its no fun that way guig0 :wink:

LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

shane on you eilsoe! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

on you too lost :wink:

lol :stuck_out_tongue:
