Reactions please

I dont have everything up yet, but let me know what you think of the overall gag.

Grrrr at the pre-loader lol


HAHAHHAH that its so cool idea, I had a good laugh, o man!


Excellent commentary on the common practice that preloaders allow for infinite file sizes :stuck_out_tongue:

oh… i didnt know what i was getting into when i clicked the link, i was expecting just a normal site, and i ended up rolling on the floor laughing, literly, GREAT, great idea, thanks for the laugh

He’s a clown, how could you not be expecting to laugh?!

Heheh, j/k =)

LOL (-:

that was awesome… great job

lol… too annoying :trout: :stuck_out_tongue:

i think there’s something wrong with your preloader… the site never loads…

heh, zylem, its not supposed to…

i think you made a little error on your preloader’s actionscript

LOL, that was retarded, I loved it!!! :stuck_out_tongue: