I only do it because I don’t have anywhere else on the web to store my images… And I only ever link to my own art. :block:
I only do it because I don’t have anywhere else on the web to store my images… And I only ever link to my own art. :block:
****it Kitiara… you draw real nice…
i like your work…
im looking forward to your thing to teed… it’s just have 2 be nice…
tell me if you dont have anything to do…
just kidding…
psst, freak, steal her bra
ok… i’ll do that…
well… her drawings are nice… that’s the point… but sure she’s nice 2… at least her bra…
:tie: :chinaman:
Argh… Leave my bras alone! Pests!
<b>Kitiara secures bra with padlock</b>
I’ve done it twice before :bad:
I can do it again…
<b>Kitiara fastens a bike chain lock to her bra also</b>
hehe… no lock is secure enough…
hehe hi all first time here yeh kit you draw reaaaaaaaal nice cant wait to see what your bracough i mean drawing of teed will turn out like
What is everyone’s obssession with my underwear? I’m sure this is all very Freudian, boys…
Anyway, I’m going to start Teed’s pic in a minute…
yey!!! thanks so when roughly will it be done?
oooooooooooooooooo…i cant wait :d
Couple of days, I would imagine. It generally takes me a couple of re-draws to get a picture exactly how I want it.
yey cant wait
Hi Kit!
The picture is very good! Nice work!
How do u do it? PS or Flash?
I am finding it very difficult to drawn in Flash and use the gradients.
I hv a doubt:
Can we use the Pen tool to draw the outlines in PS? If we can, how to do it?
Please help me.
I think kit does her art in flash… I THINK so… can’t remember…
and outlines in PS with pen is possible, just select it, make your paths, and rightclick and select “stroke”…
kit: Shall I fetch lost to help out? :bad:
Kit gives me her bra by choice, I don’t need to steal it
Right Kit? :love:
Kit gives me her bra by choice, I don’t need to steal it
Shhh, I told you not to tell anyone about that…
As for how I draw them, Eilsoe is correct, I do use Flash. Basically I just draw a basic picture on paper and scan it in, then import to Flash MX. Lock that onto the bottom layer, then use the Pen and Fill tools to draw and colour in.
I have to say that I never bother with gradient fills on these things, as it always seems more hassle than it’s worth. If I need some shading, then I’ll do it with blocks of colour.
I’m sure you can do similar with Photoshop, but I prefer Illustrator. here’s a tapered pen brush that you can use which is great for manga style drawing.
kit: Shall I fetch lost to help out?
Don’t even <i>think</i> about it. :beam:
cherishes Kits bra :love:
Ok. Thank you. I will try with Illustrator.
kit hows t going with me? lol sounded wrong i know but i gotta know
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