Original Character For Soul

I’ve started on yours today. :slight_smile:

Fingers crossed for early next week completion…

fingers crossed :slight_smile: oooo…i cant wait, by the way how is your site coming on?

Getting there. Made a couple of pages, and I’m in the process of buying the domain name…

cool, so where are you getting hosting from ??

Good question. No idea, as yet. Hadn’t thought that far ahead, to be honest. :sigh:

www.doteasy.com :slight_smile:

  • Soul :s:

Thank you… :slight_smile:

oo…cool i need hosting but i know someone who is gonna host me we i finish my site :slight_smile:

ooo…hows it comin on kit, the drawing and your site?

Sketched on paper, just need to scan in and trace now. :slight_smile:

Before I do though, just want to check the hair style… You said long, but can you link to a pic of the style you’re after?

Very nice character Kit, Hehe how about becoming my master and teaching me all ur skills of line art?? I make a good squire :D. Dunno how u get the hair lookin so good on ur drawings, i always find that tough!!

Hair isn’t the problem… It’s hands and feet that are awkward. :stuck_out_tongue:

There is a definite trick to the hair though. Once I learned it I stopped floundering quite so much. :slight_smile:

I draw 90% of my stuff on paper first, then scan in and trace. On the sketch, don’t draw any hair to start with, just the shape of the head. Then pick the crown - where you want all the hair to start from. If you look at your own hair you’ll see there’s a point where it all kind of revolves around. That’s what you want.

Then once you’ve placed that, you draw the hair in sections, flowing from that point…

Maybe I should make some tutorials on this?

looks at his own hair :(, lol its abit of a mess I think that would be a great idea!!! cause i just can’t get the hang of it, i’m gettin better at others things though, i just finished my line art for vehicle battle, a nice big robot :D, one of my best efforts yet i think

emm… hang on i will search now :slight_smile:

tada ****ty pic i know but hey

That’s all I need, ta very muchly. :slight_smile: