Oscommerce Programmer for Hire

[size=2]Hi all,

Working as a consultant from Canada, for over two and a half years I have been programming in OScommerce exclusively. If you require any work, from custom programming to template or layout customizations, or whatever in OScommerce feel free to contact me at

pmcgrath )at( systemsmanager dot net

I have lots of references and examples of past work. I specialize in mutli site/store systems and give away for free a beta mall system at www.systemsmanager.net. It can be downloaded on my site for members who create accounts (free) or at Source Forge (oscMall System).

Currently, I am upgrading it, as well, I am always looking for knowledgable PHP programmers who are interested in Open Source Code work (not paid).

demo/test site site for new upgrade is at


cheers and thanks

Peter M.


icq 707923

msn/yahoo cannuck1964 (at) yahoo.com
