Our parents lied

This was on the radio yesterday and I thought it’d be fun to try here…

What lies did your parents tell you to get you to behave when you were a kid?

Things like

“If you watch TV any longer, you’ll get square eyes”

“If you eat anymore bananas you’ll turn into one”

“If you bite your nails they form a big ball in your stomach and you’ll need an operation”

“Ketchup burns a hole in your stomach”

One I heard on the radio yesterday was from a mother who admits to telling her 6 year old son that “Sprouts sometimes have chocolate inside” :lol:

How about you, any good ones?

Please no mention of the bogeyman…that guy scares me :frowning:

i will give u a big chocolate if u eat the sprouts…

i will give you a pepsi if you finish your broccoli…(BTW i dont hate broccoli…i love it)

don’t chew gum because if you swallow it, it’ll stay in your stomach for 7 years.

santa’s not real
but he is, i know he is…:wink:

“Sprouts sometimes have chocolate inside” :lol:

My parents don’t lie to me, they just use phycology. And it usually works too, even though I know what they’re doing.


I colect stamps (still do if anyone is interested in swapping) and my mum told me way back then that stamps with a cancellation mark are worth heaps more than ones without…bloody liar. You can’t trust anyone can you.

if you don’t go to school, the police will come and arrest you

…don’t ask :wink:

my mum told me way back then that stamps with a cancellation mark are worth heaps more than ones without…bloody liar. You can’t trust anyone can you.


if you squint too long your eyes will get stuck :slight_smile:

if you eat black watermelon seeds, you could have a watermelon grow in your stomach, I so believed this too…thats the sad part

Its true in the states at least…

Ever heard of Truant Officers?

My mom seriously told me when I was a kid that if I played with my bellybutton my arse would fall off.

She then told me further that it was a big screw that held on my butt, and that it just happened to a kid up the road last week.

Its true in the states at least…

Ever heard of Truant Officers?

the infamous butt-less kid :lol:

:lol: inventive anyway. By the far the best yet :thumb:

Another one I was told was “If you dont eat the crusts on bread, you won’t be a good singer”

Or the infamous parent saying “Right, thats it you’ve misbehaved for the last time, I’m phoning the man” they then go over to the phone and pick it up and pretend to be talking to some man who’s coming to take you away forever for misbehaving…wtf :huh:

“Pinto beans are NINJA beans.”

Dunno if it was a lie or a clever marketing ploy playing off my obsession with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles…



Mom told me when i was a child that i had to eat everything for the sake of my relatives (u know , a piece of steak for my cousin, another one for my grandma etc.) or else they would die of hunger. Geez , and I had so many relatives!I’m glad that it didn’t turn into a habit…
Oh and another one…when i was naughty, she used to tell me that a mask from a book was boo-boo and it will come from the book and take me… I hate that mask ever since lol

If you don’t eat the crusts on your bread, your hair will go all curly (to my sister)

or was it un-curly? I can’t remenber

I hope rere420 finds this post…

I dont want to steal her thunder but you wouldnt believe some of the crap her family got her to believe.