On vacation, me and my best friend made a movie. My friend has just finished with the trailer. You can see it here.
Remark: in WMV format, which means only viewable with Windows Media Player. Sorry mac-guys
On vacation, me and my best friend made a movie. My friend has just finished with the trailer. You can see it here.
Remark: in WMV format, which means only viewable with Windows Media Player. Sorry mac-guys
going to have a look right now
not bad dude,
I got a kick out of the dude that rolled up on the golf cart, drew a gun and bolted into the woods.
Voetsjoeba, which one are you?
he’s Jeroen :bu:
*Originally posted by fester8542 *
**not bad dude,
I got a kick out of the dude that rolled up on the golf cart, drew a gun and bolted into the woods. **
Hehe, yeah, the golfcarts were fun And I’m not Jeroen :bu:, I’m Jeroen (Evil Bunny included)
!? It stops a bit too early, just at the point where my face looks funny
Where you look like a dope you mean hehehe mister evil bunny Ghostrider
Grrr I can edit this post too you know
yah it kind of crashed/stopped on me too
pretty funny from what I have seen so far - looks good man
Well guys I’m happy that you guys enjoy our work.
The movie won’t be ready till Fall this year though.
we still need to tape the love scenes.
Bye, Ghostrider. (I’m not Voetsjoeba, I’m kinda the director)
If you have any video editing questions give me a holler, I will try and help. The trailer looked pretty cool. (It freaked out for me at the end as well )If you don’t mind some advice, I would remove the audio from the film and just have the music playing for the trailer. Either that or turn the film audio up a notch or two. I could hear talking but I was unable to make out the words. Are you using Windows Movie Maker to edit the film? Just curious.
Oh and I liked the song you chose. I am making a music video using the same song, its about 50%(ish) done. I will post it here when its finished.
Yow guys, there is a technical problem, this is not the way it should end…
it has a better ending you know. darn thats a problem
Dude, make your own account and get off mine
Well, i’ll just say it again, voetsjoeba messed up the trailer:nerd: .
It’s not supposed to stop so early, but anyway, the movie is coming this fall
Stay Tuned
*Originally posted by Ghostrider *
**Well, i’ll just say it again, voetsjoeba messed up the trailer:nerd: **
I didn’t mess it up, all I did was upload it ! If someone messed it up, it was you ! You made the trailer.
The trailer was fine dude, it’s perfect on the CD
I know, it ain’t my fault that it stops too early when I upload it.
What camera did you use?
alleen nederlanders :\
Nice movie!!! can’t wait.
kinda reminds me of GTA
*Originally posted by T-O *
*alleen nederlanders :*
Alleen vlamingen
Nice movie!!! can’t wait.
Thanks =)
**kinda reminds me of GTA **
GTA ? Haha, that would be cool, a GTA movie
well we did our best glad you like your work
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