I saw on Discovery channel, that in year 2050 the earth will have bad weather and storms and Tornados…etc !
No body can hide or run away from it !!!
I think its the “Time” LOL
In the Bibel it said I think im not sure ! =
That when God will come it will happen these things and He will appear after that ! Im not sure but I will ask in churche and se.
Oh man ! See you in Kirupa forum in heven or Hell !
hehe - I strongly doubt it. I think 1857 (or somewhere around that) was a day when the earth was supposed to die. I think the Suicide Comet Club (not their real name lol) thought that one of the comets (Haley I think) would redeem them if they all killed themselves.
I’ll make sure to bump this thread for you in 2050 blastboy!
Ive been hearing it my whole life like others before me and so far it hasnt happened I doubt 2050 will be any different. If not, at least Ill be old enough then not to care as much :beam:
Well considering I have a time machine and I’ve been past the year 3000, I don’t think the world ended in 2050. But i’ll check if you really want me to. Just need you to supply me with some plutonium to power it. Don’t wanna waste my plutonium to figure something out for you :).
anybody else noticed how sensationalist the Discovery Channel has become? They used to be about facts, now they will portray certain possiblities as facts…
Just another cable channel now… with a bent towards science… but still sensationalist…
There’s always a geek somewhere that says the end of the earth is near. I read this in 1999, 2000, 2001… never happened. Also, I don’t belive one thing of that Nostradamus fruit cake. There are so many different translations and conclusions, it’s absurd.
Awww come on Phil… where’s the fun in that?! My gillywasher…
At least take out a couple of third world countries and state that it’s done in peace… It’ll make great spectations on great holiday events…
btw… When the world ends… You won’t know about it ahead of time… if you did… You’d actually gte a chance to save your own ***… Psssh… Who wants that? lol
Stop worrying about the future possibilities… Makes for ulcers and cancur sores…