Output Message When Testing Movie

When i test my movie this output message pops up:

Warning Symbol=3D Cube, layer=Actions, frame=1:Line 1: The file ‘toplevel.as’, which is required for typechecking ActionScript 2.0, could not be found. Please make sure the directory ‘$(LocalData)/Classes’ is listed in the global classpath of the ActionScript Preferences.

Warning Symbol=Cube Rotate WireFrame2.swft, layer=Layer 1, frame=38:Line 1: The file ‘toplevel.as’, which is required for typechecking ActionScript 2.0, could not be found. Please make sure the directory ‘$(LocalData)/Classes’ is listed in the global classpath of the ActionScript Preferences.

Warning Symbol=MainMenu, layer=Layer 1, frame=1:Line 1: The file ‘toplevel.as’, which is required for typechecking ActionScript 2.0, could not be found. Please make sure the directory ‘$(LocalData)/Classes’ is listed in the global classpath of the ActionScript Preferences.

Warning Symbol=MainMenu, layer=Layer 1, frame=1:Line 1: The file ‘toplevel.as’, which is required for typechecking ActionScript 2.0, could not be found. Please make sure the directory ‘$(LocalData)/Classes’ is listed in the global classpath of the ActionScript Preferences.
on (rollOver) {

Warning Symbol=MainMenu, layer=Layer 3, frame=5:Line 1: The file ‘toplevel.as’, which is required for typechecking ActionScript 2.0, could not be found. Please make sure the directory ‘$(LocalData)/Classes’ is listed in the global classpath of the ActionScript Preferences.
on (rollOver) {

Warning Symbol=MainMenu, layer=Layer 1, frame=5:Line 1: The file ‘toplevel.as’, which is required for typechecking ActionScript 2.0, could not be found. Please make sure the directory ‘$(LocalData)/Classes’ is listed in the global classpath of the ActionScript Preferences.

Warning Symbol=MainMenu, layer=Layer 2, frame=5:Line 1: The file ‘toplevel.as’, which is required for typechecking ActionScript 2.0, could not be found. Please make sure the directory ‘$(LocalData)/Classes’ is listed in the global classpath of the ActionScript Preferences.
on (release) {

Warning Symbol=Button 2, layer=Layer 1, frame=1:Line 1: The file ‘toplevel.as’, which is required for typechecking ActionScript 2.0, could not be found. Please make sure the directory ‘$(LocalData)/Classes’ is listed in the global classpath of the ActionScript Preferences.

Warning Symbol=BUTTON 3, layer=Layer 1, frame=1:Line 1: The file ‘toplevel.as’, which is required for typechecking ActionScript 2.0, could not be found. Please make sure the directory ‘$(LocalData)/Classes’ is listed in the global classpath of the ActionScript Preferences.

Warning Symbol=Button 4, layer=Layer 1, frame=1:Line 1: The file ‘toplevel.as’, which is required for typechecking ActionScript 2.0, could not be found. Please make sure the directory ‘$(LocalData)/Classes’ is listed in the global classpath of the ActionScript Preferences.

Warning Symbol=Button 5, layer=Layer 1, frame=1:Line 1: The file ‘toplevel.as’, which is required for typechecking ActionScript 2.0, could not be found. Please make sure the directory ‘$(LocalData)/Classes’ is listed in the global classpath of the ActionScript Preferences.

Warning Symbol=Explode 1, layer=ACTIONS, frame=20:Line 1: The file ‘toplevel.as’, which is required for typechecking ActionScript 2.0, could not be found. Please make sure the directory ‘$(LocalData)/Classes’ is listed in the global classpath of the ActionScript Preferences.

Warning Scene=Scene 1, layer=Actions, frame=59:Line 1: The file ‘toplevel.as’, which is required for typechecking ActionScript 2.0, could not be found. Please make sure the directory ‘$(LocalData)/Classes’ is listed in the global classpath of the ActionScript Preferences.

Total ActionScript Errors: 13 Reported Errors: 13

What does this mean? I presume that it has something do do with the toplevel.as file and $(LocalDate)/Classes’. Where can these files be found and how to i correct this error message.
