Page Flip questions

Alright, I have been messing around with the latest FlipBook that was just released by iparigrafika about a week ago, and I’ve been tearing my hair out trying to figure out how to do a couple of things…

I would like to have some dynamic content on the pages… I want to use it for a website. The problem is, when you click anywhere on the page, it reacts. I tried putting an MC over it to override it, I tried removing the Mouse listener temporarily… I’m not too advanced with AS, but I thought I’d give it a try… Well I just can’t figure it out.

Is there any way that I could make it so that when the mouse is in a certain area and is clicked, the pages do not react like they should? With the dynamic content I’m going to need scrollbars and stuff and that just isn’t going to work unless I can do this.

Your help is appreciated :slight_smile: