Alright, I have been messing around with the latest FlipBook that was just released by iparigrafika about a week ago, and I’ve been tearing my hair out trying to figure out how to do a couple of things…
I would like to have some dynamic content on the pages… I want to use it for a website. The problem is, when you click anywhere on the page, it reacts. I tried putting an MC over it to override it, I tried removing the Mouse listener temporarily… I’m not too advanced with AS, but I thought I’d give it a try… Well I just can’t figure it out.
Is there any way that I could make it so that when the mouse is in a certain area and is clicked, the pages do not react like they should? With the dynamic content I’m going to need scrollbars and stuff and that just isn’t going to work unless I can do this.
it wont be till morning though. Sorry… I have no Flash here. Maybe one of my peers will hit it before morning. If not you should see at least a reply by 10 AM EST.
Any ideas yet? I need this as soon as possible… I mean I’m not trying to rush you or anything, don’t get me wrong. Just as soon as you can figure it out would be great.
sorry… life took hold yesterday and railroaded me elsewhere. I’m looking at it this morning. Thanks for being patient and apologetic about needing it quickly. We appreciate people who realise we are busy.
I remembered that I said to someone I would do something, so I used the search feature on all posts I made within the last week in tech, and your’s was on the top of the list.
I must say that I’m really impressed with their flip book. It is a zillion times better than my poor attempt at the same project.
I can see what your problem is with this and I know what you mean. My own was supposed to be a guest book with email links on the pages. I did this by simply having a button on the corner (invisible) which controled the action, leaving my page free for interaction. In the case of this flipbook, that is not a possibe work around.
I am still looking at it, and have to look up a couple of commands they used here. (I’m so rusty. )
Alright, cool. I’ll be leaving for school soon and won’t get back till about 1PM PST. I might be able to reply sometime at school, but I’m not sure. Thanks again.
Here’s an idea that might help although I’m not exactly sure how to implement it. When the page is done flipping you could have an action that sends you to another frame in which you have the exact same pages displayed (without the page flip actionscript)but with all of your buttons and such inside it. Only thing with this idea is that if you wanted to flip the page again you would have to click a button to get back to the original animated flip script frame. It’s a long shot, but I’d thought I’d share it anyway.
Good luck Shibby
Upnaut I hope you do come up with something 'cause I’d be very interested to see the solution to this problem.
me too bill… though from this example I’m not sure there is a better solution than what you came up with. Even so… there needs to be a mechinism to send the playhead back to the other frame as well.
Yeah I know how to get back to the other frame. I already figured out how to do that while trying to fix my problems. I think I can use bill’s answer in another way.
What I’ll do is send the playhead to whatever frame I need it to, but the pages there will have the bottom corner cut out of it so that I can still activate the page flip the way I had wanted to in the first place. I’ll tell you how it comes out (if it comes out).
I was thinking of just replacing the commands to invisible buttons on the page as I had done in my example. I’ll let you know how that turns out as well
interesting delema Furbar… thanks for showing me this tutorial example…It’s proving educational.
Wow, I’m surprised! I thought for sure upnaut was gonna come up with a golden solution.
O I just had another thought (2nd thought I’ve had in 2 years lol)
What if you put a button just to the side of the page flip area and label it something like ‘enable buttons’. Each click of the button will go back and forth between frames (click one takes you to page with flipping actionscript and click 2 takes you to frame with the buttons enabled). If you use this I would reccommend doing up a quick ‘how to’ navigate the site at the intro.
Upnaut THINK! Think hard! I know you can come up with something better than this.
lol… come on Bill I’m not the God of Flash that Thor, Supra, Jubba or any of these others are. I’ve spent my last four years learning javascript, php, xml, html, design, animation, 3d art, painting, and a whole slew of other things. Occationaly I come up with something unique and superb… but it’s rare. Usually I’m sitting around struggling with something really easy for hours. My skills lay in communicating that information to newbies… not in the information itself.
however… thanks for the confidence… it does make me feel good none the less. Who knows… maybe this will be one of those superb answers I come up with… can’t tell yet.