Page linking?

Forgive me but I’m a newb at flash and how do you link from a button to another page. In Dreamweaver it index.html for the first page and all others are simply the name of the page with.html

Flash movies often do not have “pages” like a traditional website, but rather have multiple states or conditions.
So when you click the button, the state or condition of the movie changes.

Another option is build the various sections of your site on keyframes.
You then target the keyframes with your navigation buttons.
This is closer in concept to traditional website design.

Here’s an example of a frame-based navigation system:

The Event Listener is attached to the movieclip "buttonGroup" that contains all of the named buttons.
This listener can serve multiple buttons.
The buttons are named "btn1" "btn2" etc... and their respective frame targets are identically named.
ie: "btn1" targets frame label "btn1", and so forth.
buttonGroup.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoFrame, false, 0, true);

var frameName:String = "";

function gotoFrame(evt:MouseEvent):void {
	frameName =;
	gotoAndPlay(frameName);//go to frame label that matches the value of the frameName variable.//place a stop(); action on each of the frame label targets.

So I need to write all this code just to link from a button to another page?[quote=snickelfritz;2338341]Flash movies often do not have “pages” like a traditional website, but rather have multiple states or conditions.
So when you click the button, the state or condition of the movie changes.

Another option is build the various sections of your site on keyframes.
You then target the keyframes with your navigation buttons.
This is closer in concept to traditional website design.

Here’s an example of a frame-based navigation system:
ActionScript Code:
The Event Listener is attached to the movieclip “buttonGroup” that contains all of the named buttons.
This listener can serve multiple buttons.
The buttons are named “btn1” “btn2” etc… and their respective frame targets are identically named.
ie: “btn1” targets frame label “btn1”, and so forth.
buttonGroup.[COLOR=#000080]addEventListener[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]([/COLOR]MouseEvent.[COLOR=#000080]CLICK[/COLOR], gotoFrame, [COLOR=#000000]false[/COLOR], [COLOR=#000080]0[/COLOR], [COLOR=#000000]true[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000])[/COLOR];

[COLOR=#000000]var[/COLOR] frameName:[COLOR=#0000ff]String[/COLOR] = [COLOR=#ff0000]""[/COLOR];

[COLOR=#000000]function[/COLOR] gotoFrameCOLOR=#000000[/COLOR]:[COLOR=#0000ff]void[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]{[/COLOR]
    frameName = evt.[COLOR=#0000ff]target[/COLOR].[COLOR=#0000ff]name[/COLOR];
    gotoAndPlayCOLOR=#000000[/COLOR];[COLOR=#808080]//go to frame label that matches the value of the frameName variable.//place a stop(); action on each of the frame label targets.[/COLOR]


[QUOTE=Jim Bechdel;2338378]So I need to write all this code just to link from a button to another page?[/QUOTE]

Actually, the code posted here would be all that is necessary to link an unlimited number of buttons to an unlimited number of corresponding frames.
ie: you do not have to write additional code for the other buttons in the project.